more of Münster::
Together with our numerous partners from industry, science, and culture, we are working on keeping the uniqueness of our city alive while increasing its appeal: with an effective and modern city marketing system that’s committed to the traditions and in perpetual dialogue with our customers - i.e. with all that live in Münster and love it.
Münster Region of Culture 2010
In 2010 Münster will become a diverse and exciting REGION OF CULTURE (KULTURGEBIET). Nine completely newly conceived series of events will be presented, both unusual and familiar. They are self-contained and cleverly woven together, with an international and local flavour.
Major cultural institutions as well as representatives of the city’s independent scene have devised and developed a programme with the Cultural Department of the City of Münster – a programme that is arresting, innovative, distinctive and forward-thinking. It cuts across genres, institutions and generations and displays the distinctive cultural characteristics of Münster.
It is no coincidence that the event series, REGION OF CULTURE, is taking place in Münster when the neighbouring Ruhr region is celebrating its designation as European Capital of Culture. Münster affirmed its cultural profile during the application process as a competing applicant in 2003 and 2004.
The following partners have joined forces in 2010 in highly varied, established, and also newly formed cooperative relationships:
- Austellungshalle zeitgenössische Kunst Münster – AzKM (Münster Exhibition Hall for Contemporary Art)
- Cactus Junges Theater
- Deutsch-Ungarische Gesselschaft Münster (Münster German-Hungarian Society)
- GWK – Gesselschaft für Förderung der westfälischen Kulturarbeit e.V. (Society for the Advancement of Westphalian Cultural Work)
- Kulturamt der Stadt Münster (Cultural Office of the City of Münster)
- Kunstakademie Münster (Academy of Fine Arts Münster)
- Literatureverein Münster (Münster Literature Society)
- NRW KULTURsekretariat Wuppertal (North-Rhineland-Westphalia Culture Secretariat, Wuppertal)
- Städtische Bühnen Münster (Münster City Stages)
- Stadtmuseum Münster (City Museum of Münster)
- Westfälische Schule für Musik (Westphalian School for Music)
- Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (University of Münster)
- …as well as many other stakeholders
With the title, REGION OF CULTURE, Münster wants to independently celebrate the Ruhr region and the Capital of Culture year. Not competitively, that would be presumptuous – rather Münster wants to complement the RUHR.2010 programme and selectively supplement it. When it comes to themes such as urbanism, identity and integration, Münster is able to take a clear stand and maybe offer different answers than a polycentric, heterogeneously influenced region of cities. Furthermore the cultural highlights of the city should be anchored and new formats established. Just as enduring and forward thinking will be the building of cooperative projects with a younger generation of artists and the creation of platforms for professional cultural discourses on an international level.
The event series ‘REGION OF CULTURE Münster 2010’ represents a unique offering of attractive cultural events in 2010 and will influence the perception and the development of the cultural potential of the city.
Like almost all of the other original competing German cities, Münster is collaborating on the ‘National Heroes – German Cities of Culture’ initiative and represents part of the RUHR.2010 programme with the new festivals HALBSTARK – International Theatre Festival for 9–10 Year Olds and NEUE WÄNDE – Student Culture on the Städtische Bühnen.
The REGION OF CULTURE event series is concentrated around Spring and Autumn. However, in addition to the nine key events, many extra activities and cultural experiments will create an almost continuous programme. ‘REGION OF CULTURE Münster 2010’ begins an exciting year on 16 April 2010 with the opening celebration in the Städtische Bühnen Münster.
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